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Monday, June 20, 2011

"S" Word Monday!! June 20, 2011

Weight Lost this week (14 weeks 2 days into journey)  Lost 4.8
TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS: "50 1/2" pounds
Weight to lose til goal:  73 1/2 pounds

Here's What...IT MUST BE SUMMER!!!  Swimming lessons...Bear Lake... Lava Hot Springs next month...girls camp at the Bear Lake condo in August...  Raging Waters...  Lagoon...  LOVE IT!!!!! LOVE IT!!!   LOVE IT!!!!  It really makes my new way of eating easier to do, know what I mean??!!  I just want to be outside all of the time!!  And in the water...

It is a reality... This time next year, I will be at my goal weight!!!  14 weeks ago, I didn't think I could do it!! But with the support and love of family and friends, I now see that the end is near (notice, I have re-hit my 50 pound goal, smile.. My next goal is another 25 pounds. 
If I haven't said it lately, thanks for the love and support everyone!! 

P.S...  I'm not one to be secret about my weight loss, but I understand how many people are very closed mouth about theirs.  To the six friends who are now secretly going to my weight loss doc and having major success also, CONGRATULATIONS!!! It was fun seeing two of you at the office this morning... WE WILL DO THIS TOGETHER, whether in secret or not...

My doctor retires in December... (insert sad face here) :-(  I really want to hit my goal weight before then, but, no hurry.  If it takes another year to get it off, sobeit!!

Here's to another 25 pounds coming off!!!!!



Saturday, June 18, 2011


So fun to see her Swimming!!! 

By the age of four, I had taught Gabs how to swim.  She definitely won't drown, but she isn't an olympic swimmer either.  We always had a pool at the condos and apartments where I lived, so I needed Gabee VERY able in the water!!!

Fast forward nine years to last summer.   I spent several hundred dollars on swimming lessons for Izee at the rec center.  By the end of the summer she could blow bubbles.  WHAT A COLLOSAL WASTE OF MONEY!!! Private lessons is the only way to go!!

What Dr. Bruno accomplished in the first 2 lessons is AMAZING!!  He truly is a great teacher, no matter what the subject!!!


backflippin'... Always have to add some of this one.  She is crazy!!

Coming up for air


Kicking off the side

First Breath, then continues to swim.  GO IZEE!!


Such a great friend.. I love ya Doc!!


This is her dive....... uhm.... a little tiny bit off... Like, 180 degrees!!!

such a great teacher...

Jumping up from the bottom of the pool!!
(laughing).  Nothing like being thrown in the pool, right doc!!

Deep discussion at the opposite end of the pool (discussion is one sided, as Izee refuses to speak during her swimming lesson... GRRR  that kid!!)

Don't you just love Dr. Bruno.  So excited that she was jumping in, and the face on the kid in the bacground is priceless!!

Sisters.... What would we do without 'em??!!!

A RESOUNDING HIGH FIVE!!!  End of the lesson.  Can I hear a woot woot!!! (laughing)!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

"S" Word Monday!!, June 13th, 2011

It's a long walk.......
Weight Lost this week (13 weeks 2 days into journey)  GAINED 6.8 pounds
TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS: "45.7" pounds
Weight to lose til goal:  78.3 pounds

Here's What... Well, I think the 10 days of prednisone has kicked in.  I cannot explain how famished I am when I'm on steroids...  When you take 80 mg's of prednisone for nearly two weeks, apparantly, it really does take a toll on your mental state, your diet, your everything.....

With that said, it really isn't that big of a deal.  I am off of prednisone now, which means I am back on track with my weight loss.  Yes, it sucks that my first goal of "50" pounds came and went in a blink of an eye, but, I am more determined then ever to drop this weight!!!

I'm not gonna get down, so, as of yesterday  morning, I am steroid free and ready to re-begin my weight loss journey.


Monday, June 6, 2011

"S" Word Monday, June 6, 2011

Weight Lost this week (12 weeks 2 days into journey)  "2 1/2" pounds
TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS: "52 1/2" pounds
Weight to lose til goal:  71 1/2 pounds

Here's What... I hate steroids.  the end... I am the meanest mom.  The meanest teacher.  The most impatient wife, daughter and in law!!! PLUS I'M RAVENOUS!!!!  TOTALLY BINGED on Sunday night when I got home from my niece's b-day party.  Couldn't help it.  Every one of the desserts looked AMAZING and I didn't eat one bite, but, by the time I got home, I ate everything in sight.  It was like, LOOK OUT GABS AND IZEE, GET OUT OF MY WAY, OR I WILL EAT YOU TOO!!!

With that said, I tried really hard to stay in control of my eating habits this week.  Steroids are the WORST thing to be on when you are trying to retain being human!!  Forget about losing weight, just attempting to be a functioning, kind-loving part of society seems an impossibility when you are consuming 80 miligram of prednisone every morning, plus advair and albuterol.... I really really hate steroids....!!! there... tantrum over... onto another week.

Thanks for love and support everyone.